
Site Contents

About Us


Company overview, message from CEO and mission statement



Clients corner, how to get consultant services



Consultants corner, how to apply for consulting oppurtunities, benefits etc.,



Customer Support, Billing etc.,

What’s New


Under Construction

 Company  About Us  Clients  Consultants  Service  What's New

Our consultants are key to our success. We have qualified and experienced technology consultants in all the emerging technologies. Our consultants are trained to be quick starters and are committed to completing the project in a timely manner.

The hiring process will usually start with a telephone conversation between the consultant and the client to understand the need of the client. This also enables the consultant to demonstrate his/her ability to handle the project. Appropriate “consultant skill - client requirement” match will be done prior to this by the account representative. Once the consultant and client are comfortable with each other, and once the contracts are signed, they would start working usually within a week to 2 weeks.

If you have the requirements ready, please e-mail the requirements to An account representative will be in touch with you within one business day. If you choose to talk to us more directly, please call us at 508 898 9967 or Fax your requirement at 508 898 9971.


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